
Flight Of The Living Dead: Outbreak On A Plane (2007)

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Overall Rating 62%
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A mad scientist is transferring a dead woman in a freezer with an armed guard on a plane to Paris. After slight turbulence, the freezer breaks down and she awakens, turns into a zombie, and infects all on board. --IMDb
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Review by Chad
Added: May 1, 2007
Rumor has it that the key element that prompted Samuel L. Jackson to take the leading role in Snakes on a Plane was the title; after all, with a title like that, who could pass it up? I sort of felt the same way about Plane Dead back when it was being referred to as "Zombies on a Plane" on the various online dirt-rags. Zombies? On a plane? Say no more, I'm sold. Even though I enjoyed the hell out of it, the fan reaction to Snakes turned out to be fairly mixed: some, such as myself, loved it while others claimed that it was a piece of shit. I expect the same sort of reaction whenever Plane Dead winds up in theaters: some of you will undoubtedly hate it, but if you're anything like me, you're going to shed a little tear over how excellent this little gem turned out to be.

Much like Snakes, the storyline that drives this one along is extremely simple. It all begins when a group of scientists develop an experimental new drug that will allow humans to live longer and healthier lives, but this drug has a rather nasty side effect: when you die, you turn into a flesh-hungry zombie. Alright, so it needs a little more refinement before it hits the market, and apparently, that's what our brainy friends are trying to do since they've loaded up a sizable supply of the drug inside the cargo hold of an airplane... along with an infected human who was being used as a guinea pig. Remember how it didn't take long before those snakes got out and caused chaos on that plane, causing Mr. Jackson to launch into explicit-laden rants about how he's - ahem - had his fill of those cotton-picking snakes? Well, at least the snakes didn't cause their victims to get up and tear the other passengers to shreds.

With the obvious exception of zombies replacing the snakes, it sounds an awful lot like the plot from Snakes on a Plane, doesn't it? Well, with the exception of the release date, this movie actually predates Snakes in every way. Yes, there are some similarities and I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had some Snakes flashbacks during a couple of scenes, but you definitely can't call this a ripoff as it was in development long before Samuel ever fell in love with that script title.

So then, why should you go out of your way to catch this whenever it's released? Let me put it like this: quite simply, Plane Dead is a zombie-lover's wet dream. It's got all of the b-movie madness that was so prevalent in Snakes, but with gorgeously-grotesque zombies replacing the reptiles and gore-soaked kills replacing the constant one-liners. If you enjoyed Snakes, you'll fall in love with Plane Dead. On the other hand, if you hated Snakes, don't hold that against Plane Dead: there are some similarities to be found, but chances are good that you'll still enjoy it if you're a fan of zombie movies or horror in general.

Comparisons aside, Plane Dead stands on its own as an excellent horror film. There are some genuine scares sprinkled throughout the running time, the tension levels are built up beautifully, and the vast majority of the sizable cast play their roles to perfection. Then, we have the zombies and the gore. To be blunt, these zombies look fucking amazing. It's been a while since I've seen a movie which truly caused me to fall in love with the looks of the undead, but this one did it. The gore is just as good: blood is constantly spraying the walls courtesy of the carnage that is taking place, limbs are severed, throats are torn out, and people are just being torn apart in general. If you like your red stuff by the gallon, you won't be disappointed.

Zombies kill snakes (and sharks, but that's another movie). Plane Dead absolutely slaughters Snakes on a Plane in terms of entertainment, suspense, tension, effects, and just about everything else with the exception of Samuel Jackson himself. Make damned sure that you catch this one when it hits theaters or DVD: you certainly won't regret it. 10/10, and an early contender to rank as one of my top five movies of the year; yes, it's that damned good.
bluemeanie #1: bluemeanie - added May 1, 2007 at 12:58pm
This was a fun movie. After "Snakes On A Plane" -- which I thought was a disappointment of extreme measures -- "Plane Dead" was just what I needed. Why couldn't this film have received a wide release instead of the other? One reason -- Samuel L. Jackson. "Plane Dead" takes the same formula as "Snakes On A Plane" but still tries to be a zombie film, first and foremost. That is just what it needed to do. I don't know if I can call it a masterpiece or say it's one of the best horror films of the year -- those are pretty strong words for a direct-to-video release, but I did enjoy it far more than "Snakes On A Plane" and especially thought it should have been given a theatrical release more fitting a film this entertaining. 8/10.
bluemeanie #2: bluemeanie - added May 1, 2007 at 1:01pm
And people are probably wondering where they can find this film. It has not been released in the States quite yet, but you can find it if you look hard enough. I was sent the film as part of screening for a film festival. It might be called "Flight of the Living Dead" when it's released stateside. How fun is that?
Chad #3: Chad - added May 1, 2007 at 7:13pm
Rumor has it that it may be getting a theatrical release here instead of going direct to DVD. I really hope it does - it's one of the few films that I'd pay to watch again on the big screen after having already seen it.
Tristan #4: Tristan - added October 28, 2007 at 7:57pm
I saw this about a year ago when it was still called Plane Dead. I like it more then. It's a good movie, but towards the end I just kept getting more and more pissed off at what kept happening. Still, it's much better than half the crap that gets released on the big screen. 8/10
Jack Desmond #5: Jack Desmond - added October 26, 2011 at 3:52pm
Sorry, it was just OK. It had decent acting and production values--but I just can't STAND how this copied the Dawn of the Dead redux with RUNNING ZOMBIES! Zombies don't run. They're just not scary or creepy when they run--there just run of the mill rabid killers. When you have a great concept of normal people in a contained setting aboard a flying plane--WTF do you need the zombies to run? There's no where for the suvivors to run!
Lucid Dreams #6: Lucid Dreams - added October 27, 2011 at 11:56am
I'm pretty sure zombies could run if they were just turned. I mean, why not? Unless they had been decomposing over a period of time or had one of their limbs injured I don't see why a zombie couldn't run. They sure as hell can tear your arms apart with some crazy strength once they catch you, but they can't run?
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