Movie Connections > DC: Batman
Batman Batman (1943)
In his first screen appearance, the Caped Crusader of Gotham City (belying the lethargic façade of his alter ego Bruce Wayne) battles Dr. Daka, Japanese mastermind of a wartime espionage-sabotage group. Daka has a radium-powered death ray that pulverizes walls, a classic...


Batman And Robin Batman And Robin (1949)
Antisocial Prof. Hammil's Remote Control device, which enables the user to take over any motor vehicle within 50 miles, is stolen by The Wizard, black-hooded mastermind, and his gang. Batman and Robin (who drive about in a standard convertible) must prevent the Wizard from...


Batman: Season 1 Batman: Season 1 (1966)
To the unsuspecting public, and Police, they are Bruce Wayne, billionaire, and Dick Grayson, his nephew. However, to Alfred, their butler, they are Batman and Robin, scourge of Gotham City's criminals. Whenever the Police encounter a crime they cannot solve or criminal they...


Batman Batman (1966)
The arch-villains of the United Underworld - the Joker, the Penguin, the Riddler and the Catwoman - combine forces to dispose of Batman and Robin as they launch their fantastic plot to control the entire world. From his submarine, Penguin and his cohorts hijack a yacht...


Batman: Season 2 Batman: Season 2 (1966)
To the unsuspecting public, and Police, they are Bruce Wayne, billionaire, and Dick Grayson, his nephew. However, to Alfred, their butler, they are Batman and Robin, scourge of Gotham City's criminals. Whenever the Police encounter a crime they cannot solve or criminal they...


Batman: Season 3 Batman: Season 3 (1967)
To the unsuspecting public, and Police, they are Bruce Wayne, billionaire, and Dick Grayson, his nephew. However, to Alfred, their butler, they are Batman and Robin, scourge of Gotham City's criminals. Whenever the Police encounter a crime they cannot solve or criminal they...


Bat Pussy Bat Pussy (1971)
The citizens of Gothum City are under attack by smut filmmakers and only one hero can help! Bat Pussy hangs out in her secret headquarters (aka an outhouse). When her "twat begins to twitch," warning her of imminent crime, Bat Pussy hops on her Holy Hippity-Hop to foil the...


Scooby-Doo Meets Batman Scooby-Doo Meets Batman (1972)
Scooby-Doo meets Batman is a video compilation from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. It consists of two episodes from Hanna-Barbera's The New Scooby-Doo Movies, 'The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair' and 'The Caped Crusader Caper', where Scooby-Doo and the gang team up with Batman...


The New Adventures Of Batman: Season 1 The New Adventures Of Batman: Season 1 (1977)
Holy Flashbacks, Batman! Featuring the voices of Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin (reprising their roles from the hit live-action TV series), these animated adventures of the Caped Crusader and Boy Wonder originally produced by animation powerhouse Filmation in 1977,...


The Erotic Adventures Of Dickman & Throbbin The Erotic Adventures Of Dickman & Throbbin (1986)
John Holmes is Dickman and Tom Byron is Throbbin. Together they are a duo of superheroes known as Sexorcists that turn frigid women into sex-craving whores. First, they teach a young starlet named Brooke that sex isn't dirty. Then, they thaw out Kitty, a wife who's become...


Batman Batman (1989)
Having witnessed his parents' brutal murder as a child, millionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne fights crime in Gotham City disguised as Batman, a costumed hero who strikes fear into the hearts of villains. But when a deformed madman who calls himself "The Joker" seizes control...


Batman Returns Batman Returns (1992)
While Batman deals with a deformed man calling himself the Penguin wreaking havoc across Gotham with the help of a cruel businessman, a female employee of the latter becomes the Catwoman with her own vendetta.


Batman: The Animated Series: Season 1 Batman: The Animated Series: Season 1 (1992)
Heir to the Wayne family fortune, Bruce Wayne lives by day as a seemingly lavish playboy millionaire socialite, but by night assumes the role of his crime-fighting alter-ego: the caped crusader known as The Batman. Throughout the show, Batman receives help from sidekicks Dick...


Batman: The Animated Series: Season 2 Batman: The Animated Series: Season 2 (1993)
Heir to the Wayne family fortune, Bruce Wayne lives by day as a seemingly lavish playboy millionaire socialite, but by night assumes the role of his crime-fighting alter-ego: the caped crusader known as The Batman. Throughout the show, Batman receives help from sidekicks Dick...


Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm (1993)
Batman, the costumed crime-fighter who prowls the night skies in Gotham City, soon finds there's another vigilante in town knocking off prominent mob figures. Despite the scythe-like blade for a hand, a mechanical voice and the cloud of smoke that follows the figure wherever...


Batman: The Animated Series: Season 3 Batman: The Animated Series: Season 3 (1994)
Heir to the Wayne family fortune, Bruce Wayne lives by day as a seemingly lavish playboy millionaire socialite, but by night assumes the role of his crime-fighting alter-ego: the caped crusader known as The Batman. Throughout the show, Batman receives help from sidekicks Dick...


Batman Forever Batman Forever (1995)
The Dark Knight of Gotham City confronts a dastardly duo: Two-Face and the Riddler. Formerly District Attorney Harvey Dent, Two-Face believes Batman caused the courtroom accident which left him disfigured on one side. And Edward Nygma, computer-genius and former employee of...


Batman: The Animated Series: Season 4 Batman: The Animated Series: Season 4 (1995)
Heir to the Wayne family fortune, Bruce Wayne lives by day as a seemingly lavish playboy millionaire socialite, but by night assumes the role of his crime-fighting alter-ego: the caped crusader known as The Batman. Throughout the show, Batman receives help from sidekicks Dick...


Batbabe Batbabe (1995)
There's a new crusader in Gotham tonight. Not some muscle headed man from another planet. No some half-human, leather-winged weirdo. It's BatBabe and she's come here to kick some seriously sexual ass. With her caped sidekick along for the ride, they're doin' damage to the bad...


Batman & Robin Batman & Robin (1997)
Mr. Freeze plans on taking Gotham City hostage by freezing the town into a permanent winter. In the meantime, a new seductive villainous, Poison Ivy, has appeared to cause a rift in the partnership of Batman & Robin. While all this is happening, faithful butler Alfred is...


The New Batman Adventures: Season 1 The New Batman Adventures: Season 1 (1997)
Slightly different than "Batman: The Animated Series." The series takes place approximately three years after the last episode of Batman which ran on Fox. Dick Grayson has grown up taken the costumed identity of Nightwing, with Tim Drake taking over as Robin.


The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest (1997)
Joker, short on money for his criminal endeavors, strikes a deal with Lex Luthor to kill Superman. Batman tracks Joker to Metropolis and alerts Superman to the Joker's plan. After initial distrust of each other, the World's Finest team up to thwart the villains by night. By...


Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (1998)
Mr. Freeze is living in the arctic with his cryogenically-frozen wife. When a submarine destroys her containment capsule, he has to find someone to "donate" a new heart for her. His search turns up one donor with the right blood type: Barbara (Batgirl) Gordon. Her kidnapping...


The New Batman Adventures: Season 2 The New Batman Adventures: Season 2 (1998)
Slightly different than "Batman: The Animated Series." The series takes place approximately three years after the last episode of Batman which ran on Fox. Dick Grayson has grown up taken the costumed identity of Nightwing, with Tim Drake taking over as Robin.


Batman Beyond: The Movie Batman Beyond: The Movie (1999)
Twenty years after Bruce Wayne's retirement as Batman, the world has changed even as he retreats from it, ceding control of his company, Wayne-Powers Enterprises, to his partner, Derek Powers. In that world, Terry McGinnis is an ordinary kid whose father, Warren, works for...


Batman Beyond: Season 1 Batman Beyond: Season 1 (1999)
The year is 2040; Bruce Wayne has retired as Batman and Gotham City is without a symbol of hope. However, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, a new Batman will take Bruce's place: in the form of his newfound errand-boy, Terry McGinnis. The legend lives on. Batman goes...


Batman Beyond: Season 2 Batman Beyond: Season 2 (1999)
The year is 2040; Bruce Wayne has retired as Batman and Gotham City is without a symbol of hope. However, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, a new Batman will take Bruce's place: in the form of his newfound errand-boy, Terry McGinnis. The legend lives on. Batman goes...


Batman Beyond: Season 3 Batman Beyond: Season 3 (2000)
The year is 2040; Bruce Wayne has retired as Batman and Gotham City is without a symbol of hope. However, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, a new Batman will take Bruce's place: in the form of his newfound errand-boy, Terry McGinnis. The legend lives on. Batman goes...


Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker (2000)
While trying to uncover the Joker's secrets, Terry McGinnis, the new Batman, discovers the greatest mystery in the career of the original Batman - the true story of the night Batman fought the Joker for the last time. Though when Bruce Wayne is almost killed in one of the...


Bat Thumb Bat Thumb (2001)
The Bat Thumb must stop another villain from taking over his precious city, only this time he will have to stop No Face in the hardest battle to date.


Birds Of Prey: Season 1 Birds Of Prey: Season 1 (2002)
From the creators of Smallville, the Batman myth takes an unexpected turn in this action-adventure series about a trio of beautiful and relentless heroines determined to carry on Batman's fight for justice against the ruthless criminals of New Gotham City. Years have passed...


Batman: Dead End Batman: Dead End (2003)
The Joker has escaped from Arkham and Batman must once again bring him in - once and for all. Unfortunately for the bat, there is something even more sinister than the Joker waiting in the alley for the dark knight detective.


Batman: Mystery Of The Batwoman Batman: Mystery Of The Batwoman (2003)
A ruthless destructive vigilante posing as Batwoman is wreaking havoc in Gotham City. While she sets her sights on thwarting Penguin's evil plans, Batman concentrates on discovering this mysterious imposter's true identity. But when she's captured by the vicious Bane, it falls...


Grayson Grayson (2004)
After the tragic murder of Batman at the hands of his foes, his ward Dick Grayson (AKA: Robin) seeks to avenge the death of his mentor, despite attempts by Superman, Wonder Woman and others to stop him.


The Batman: Season 1 The Batman: Season 1 (2004)
A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks, this younger Batman will confront each of his familiar foes for the first...


The Batman: Season 2 The Batman: Season 2 (2005)
A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks, this younger Batman will confront each of his familiar foes for the first...


Batman Begins Batman Begins (2005)
When his parents are killed, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne relocates to Asia, where he is mentored by Henri Ducard and Ra's Al Ghul in how to fight evil. When learning about the plan to wipe out evil in Gotham City by Ducard, Bruce prevents this plan from getting any further...


The Batman: Season 3 The Batman: Season 3 (2005)
A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks, this younger Batman will confront each of his familiar foes for the first...


The Batman vs. Dracula The Batman vs. Dracula (2005)
Gotham City is terrorized not only by recent escapees Joker and Penguin, but by the original creature of the night, Dracula! Can Batman stop the ruthless vampire before he turns everyone in the city, including The Caped Crusader, Joker and Penguin, into his mindless minions?


The Batman: Season 4 The Batman: Season 4 (2006)
A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks, this younger Batman will confront each of his familiar foes for the first...


The Batman: Season 5 The Batman: Season 5 (2007)
A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks, this younger Batman will confront each of his familiar foes for the first...


Justice League: The New Frontier Justice League: The New Frontier (2008)
In the 1950s, a new generation of superheroes must join forces with the community's active veterans and a hostile US government to fight a menace to Earth.


Batman: Gotham Knight Batman: Gotham Knight (2008)
In this 6-story anthology collection, Batman faces new villains and old ones in a time-line after Batman Begins. In "Have I Got A Story For You", 3 kids tell wildly different stories about Batman during a fight through Gotham. "Crossfire" focuses on two policemen who end up...


The Dark Knight The Dark Knight (2008)
Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins, Batman, Lieutenant James Gordon, and new district attorney Harvey Dent successfully begin to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City until a mysterious and sadistic criminal mastermind known only as the Joker appears...


Batbabe: The Dark Nightie Batbabe: The Dark Nightie (2009)
When heartless supercriminal the Jerker steals Bacchum City's entire supply of adult movies, lusty crime-fighter Batbabe strips down and steps up to vanquish the villain and get Bacchum's lifeblood flowing once again. But just how far will Batbabe go to restore passion to the...


Superman / Batman: Public Enemies Superman / Batman: Public Enemies (2009)
When Lex Luthor gets elected US President, he uses the threat of an oncoming kryptonite meteor striking Earth as a rationale to frame Superman.


Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths (2010)
A good version of Lex Luthor from a parallel Earth comes to the Justice League's dimension for help to fight their evil counterparts.


Batman XXX: A Porn Parody Batman XXX: A Porn Parody (2010)
When The Riddler kidnaps Bruce Wayne's fiance, Commissioner Gordon calls Batman and Robin to the rescue. But when Batman gets drugged and kidnapped as well, it's up to Robin and Batgirl to untangle the mystery. They soon discover that Catwoman and The Joker are also behind the...


Batman: Under The Red Hood Batman: Under The Red Hood (2010)
Batman faces his ultimate challenge as the mysterious Red Hood takes Gotham City by firestorm. One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code. Killing is an option....


Superman / Batman: Apocalypse Superman / Batman: Apocalypse (2010)
Batman discovers a mysterious teen-aged girl with super-human powers and a connection to Superman. When the girl comes to the attention of Darkseid, the evil overlord of Apokolips, events take a decidedly dangerous turn.


BATFXXX: Dark Night Parody BATFXXX: Dark Night Parody (2010)
The overrun, bleak dystopia of Gothard City has one stalwart protector: The Bat. In his iconic cape and cowl, Billionaire Bruce defends the city from the scourge of crime. His greatest weapon: his monster cock. He shows off his fantastic prowess by engaging in a thrilling...


The Justice League Of Porn Star Heroes The Justice League Of Porn Star Heroes (2011)
When a great evil threatens porn's very existence, The Justice League of Porn Stars Heroes comes together to battle the Legion of Poon. Can Batman and Robin tag-team Catwoman into submission? Are Wonder Woman's truth juices enough to get the General talking? Will the sexy Mob...


Katwoman XXX Katwoman XXX (2011)
Batfxxx is missing and Gothard City is in danger of being wiped out by a deadly virus. Katwoman is their only hope of survival and she makes a deal with her arch-enemy The Jo-Kerr to save the city from this potential threat. With Wonderchick, Jokette, 2-Face, Gangster Lovato...


Batman: Year One Batman: Year One (2011)
Two men come to Gotham City: Bruce Wayne after years abroad feeding his lifelong obsession for justice and Jim Gordon after being too honest a cop with the wrong people elsewhere. After learning painful lessons about the city's corruption on its streets and police department...


Justice League: Doom Justice League: Doom (2012)
The Justice League are a team of great power, but also of personal secrets they thought safe. That changes when the immortal supervillain, Vandal Savage, has Batman's Batcave secretly raided to learn them all and more. Soon, the Leaguers are individually beset by their enemies...


The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Dent's crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its Police force, which is struggling to cope with Bane's plans to destroy the city.


The Dark Knight XXX: A Porn Parody The Dark Knight XXX: A Porn Parody (2012)
A porn parody featuring a better Batman costume than its mainstream counterpart? A Catwoman who can actually kick ass? Zatanna? John Constantine? Nightwing? Poison Ivy? Batgirl? A Bane who can give his Hollywood counterpart a run for his money, and a Joker who's creepier than...


Batgirl XXX: An Extreme Comixxx Parody Batgirl XXX: An Extreme Comixxx Parody (2012)
Each day Barbra Gordon (played by Sunny Lane in her last adult performance) watches her beloved Gotham City spiral further down the drain. With crime and sexual deviancy on the ride, Barbra's father, the police commissioner is handcuffed by the corruption of the political...


Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 (2012)
Batman has not been seen for ten years. A new breed of criminal ravages Gotham City, forcing 55-year-old Bruce Wayne back into the cape and cowl. But, does he still have what it takes to fight crime in a new era?


The Justice League Of Porn Star Heroes The Justice League Of Porn Star Heroes (2012)
When a great evil threatens porn's very existence, The Justice League of Pornstar Heroes comes together to battle the Legion of Poon. Can Batman and Robin tag team Catwoman into submission? Are Wonder Woman's truth juices enough to get the General talking? Will sexy Mob Boss...


Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)
After a 10 year absence, the Dark Knight has returned to Gotham to fight the Mutant threat. After defeating the mutants, he has taken control of a gang loyal to him in order to make Gotham a safer place. But, the Joker has decided to stop this, and fights against Batman in a...


Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite (2013)
Joker teams up with Lex Luthor to destroy the world one brick at a time. It's up to Batman, Superman and the rest of the Justice League to stop them.


Man Of Steel XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Man Of Steel XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2013)
Say goodbye to the dorky, fumbling Clark Kent of the '70s... Ryan Driller reprises the role that launched his career, but in his latest epic spoof, legendary director Axel Braun gives us an updated version of the classic all-American superhero. After a freak accident in which...


Beware The Batman: Season 1 Beware The Batman: Season 1 (2013)
The Dark Knight comes to three-dimensional life in Beware the Batman: where he faces off against his 'underdog rogues' in the form of Anarchy, Professor Pyg and Magpie. This is Batman's computer-animated television debut. This is The Dark Knight with a new coat of paint.


Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)
An alteration of the timeline for the superhero, The Flash. The Flash must team with other heroes to restore the timeline while the Earth is ravaged by a war between Aquaman's Atlantis and Wonder Woman's Amazons.


The Lego Movie The Lego Movie (2014)
An ordinary Lego mini-figure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil Lego tyrant from gluing the universe together.


Justice League: War Justice League: War (2014)
In Gotham City's shadows lurks a mysterious figure, a silent guardian known only as the Batman. While battling crime and an ever-growing public distrust, he faces the injustices of the night alone. During a criminal pursuit, the Batman crosses paths with the arrogant...


Son Of Batman Son Of Batman (2014)
Batman learns that he has a violent, unruly pre-teen son with Talia al Ghul named Damian Wayne who is secretly being raised by Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. When Ra's al Ghul apparently dies after a battle with Deathstroke, Batman must work to stop his long-lost...


Batman: Assault On Arkham Batman: Assault On Arkham (2014)
Batman works desperately to find a bomb planted by the Joker while Amanda Waller hires her newly formed Suicide Squad to break into Arkham Asylum to recover vital information stolen by the Riddler.


Gotham: Season 1 Gotham: Season 1 (2014)
A new recruit in Captain Sarah Essen's Gotham City Police Department, Detective James Gordon is paired with Harvey Bullock to solve one of Gotham's highest-profile cases: the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. During his investigation, Gordon meets the Waynes' son Bruce, now...


Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered (2014)
Superman wants Batman to join his new superhero team, but Batman prides himself on being a self-sufficient loner.


Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis (2015)
In the aftermath of Justice League: War, the world is at peace or so it seems. When Atlantis attacks the Metropolis for the death of their king. But the Queen has different plans and requires the Justice League to find her lost son. But while they search for him, Atlantian...


Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League (2015)
Wherever there is chaos and destruction, you will find Superman's mixed-up clone, Bizarro, who hears the opposite of what is said, says the opposite of what he means and does the opposite of what is right. The Man of Steel decides it's time to find a new home for him...on...


Batman vs. Robin Batman vs. Robin (2015)
Damian Wayne is having a hard time coping with his father's "no killing" rule. Meanwhile, Gotham is going through trouble with threats, such as the insane toy maker and the secretive Court of Owls.


Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts (2015)
Batman, with the help of the Flash, Green Arrow, Nightwing, and Red Robin, has to try and get to the bottom of the mysterious robotic animals attacking Gotham.


Batman vs. Superman XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Batman vs. Superman XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2015)
It's the comic book porn showdown of the century! Legendary Director Axel Braun puts his sexy spin on the world's two most beloved superheroes as they battle each other in this Wicked mega-production. Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Maxima, Supergirl, and a bodacious Wonder Woman join...


Justice League: Gods And Monsters Justice League: Gods And Monsters (2015)
In an alternate universe, very different versions of DC's Trinity (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman), who operate outside of the law, are framed for murders of prominent scientist and the government decides to take them out.


Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League - Attack Of The Legion Of Doom! Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League - Attack Of The Legion Of Doom! (2015)
Crime is on the run as the newly formed Justice League keeps Metropolis safe... and this makes evil genius Lex Luthor very unhappy. Together with Black Manta, Sinestro and a gang of ruthless recruits, Lex builds his own league and declares them the Legion of Doom. Now with a...


Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem (2015)
The Joker is aided in his Halloween quest to render modern technology useless and take over Gotham City by Solomon Grundy, Silver Banshee, Clayface and Scarecrow.


Gotham: Season 2 Gotham: Season 2 (2015)
The stakes are higher than ever as Gotham explores the origin stories of some of the most ambitious and depraved Super Villains, including The Riddler, The Joker and Mr. Freeze, and Bruce Wayne uncovers more secrets from his father's past.


Wonder Woman XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Wonder Woman XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2015)
Legendary director Axel Braun brings to life the erotic adventures of the world's most beloved superheroine: Wonder Woman! Action, mystery, magic, and steamy hot sex are the key ingredients in this long-awaited adult parody, and the result is another masterpiece of erotic...


Batman: Bad Blood Batman: Bad Blood (2016)
Bruce Wayne is missing. Alfred covers for him while Nightwing and Robin patrol Gotham City in his stead. And a new player, Batwoman, investigates Batman's disappearance.


Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Cosmic Clash Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Cosmic Clash (2016)
Can the Justice League prevail against an unstoppable intergalactic machine with the power to bend time itself!? Until now, the Justice League has triumphed over every foe who has challenged them. This time, they face Brainiac, a super-intelligent invulnerable machine whose...


Batman vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Batman vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016)
Society believes there should be no Superman because of his alien-like powers. Batman agrees and proceeds to take Superman down. Conversely, Superman fears that Batman's actions are reckless and tries to stop him. Meanwhile Lex Luthor, owner of Lex Corp, is plotting something...


Justice League vs. Teen Titans Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016)
Robin is sent to work with the Teen Titans after his volatile behavior botches a Justice League mission. The Titans must then face Trigon after he possesses the League and threatens to conquer the world.


Supergirl XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Supergirl XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2016)
Metropolis is facing its biggest threat ever, and Clark Kent has forgotten that he is Superman! The clock is ticking can Supergirl defeat the evil Brainiac? Will Batman help her? But most importantly is she going to get laid? The answer to all three questions is YES!!!


Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Gotham City Breakout Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Gotham City Breakout (2016)
Fighting crime is a full-time job and Batman NEVER takes a vacation. That is until he finally agrees to let Batgirl and Nightwing take him on a long overdue trip - leaving Gotham City under the watchful eye of the Justice League in LEGO® DC Comics Super Heroes - Justice...


Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
What does it take for a person to snap? How much despair for a mind to fracture? These are the twisted questions that The Joker has set out to answer, to show Gotham that even an ordinary man like Commissioner Gordon is only one bad day away from sheer insanity. Based on the...


Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants (2016)
The Dark Knight is back doing what he does best - protecting the citizens of Gotham City - in the third installment of the Batman Unlimited series, Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants. When evil scientist Mr. Freeze activates his latest invention on two of Gotham City's most...


Suicide Squad Suicide Squad (2016)
A secret government agency, led by the ruthless, high-ranking official Amanda Waller, recruits some of the most dangerous, incarcerated villains on the planet to execute dangerous black ops missions and save the world from a potentially apocalyptic threat from a mysterious,...


Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2016)
Axel Braun strikes back! For his fourth Wicked Comix title, the legendary Adult film director takes on the most anticipated superhero movie of the summer with another hi-budget sexy spoof. Featuring a stellar cast lead by Kleio Valentien, reprising her award-winning role as...


Batman vs. Superman: A Gay XXX Parody Batman vs. Superman: A Gay XXX Parody (2016)
The biggest heroes of all-time in their sexiest adventure of all-time: Batman v Superman: A Gay XXX Parody. Reporter Clark Kent believes Batman is a vigilante who is not doing the city any favors. Clark believes that Superman's superpowers make him the city's true protector....


Gotham: Season 3 Gotham: Season 3 (2016)
With the Indian Hill escapees on the loose, Jim Gordon must take matters into his own hands as a bounty hunter in Gotham. He makes it his mission to find Hugo Strange, the mastermind behind the horrifying Indian Hill experiments, and Fish Mooney, one of Strange's subjects....


Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders (2016)
Batman and Robin spring into action when Gotham City is threatened by Penguin, The Joker, Riddler and Catwoman. This time, the four super villains have combined their wicked talents to hatch a plot so nefarious that the Dynamic Duo really have their hands full.


Justice League Dark Justice League Dark (2017)
Beings with supernatural powers join together to fight against supernatural villains. This team of supernatural beings include John Constantine, Zatanna and Jason Blood also known as the demon Etrigan.


The Lego Batman Movie The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
There are big changes brewing in Gotham City, and if he wants to save the city from The Joker's hostile takeover, Batman may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up.


Batgirl vs. Supergirl: A XXX Parody Batgirl vs. Supergirl: A XXX Parody (2017)
This 2-Disc set consists of Disc 1 (feature) of each Supergirl XXX: An Extreme Comix Parody and Batgirl XXX: An Extreme Comix Parody.


Batman And Harley Quinn Batman And Harley Quinn (2017)
Batman and Nightwing are forced to team with the Joker's sometimes-girlfriend Harley Quinn to stop a global threat brought about by Poison Ivy and Jason Woodrue, the Floronic Man.


Gotham: Season 4 Gotham: Season 4 (2017)
With the Court of Owls decimated, the aftermath of the Tetch virus crippling the city, and every (surviving) villain in Gotham's underworld jockeying for power, Jim Gordon and the GCPD have their hands full. What threat does Ra's al Ghul pose, and will Penguin regain his title...


Justice League XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Justice League XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2017)
The King of Parody is back, with the biggest and most anticipated Adult movie of the year! Legendary director Axel Braun unites the heroes of his DC AxelVerse in more ways than one, in this epic Wicked Comix mega-production. With a stellar cast headlined by the ferociously...


Batman vs. Two-Face Batman vs. Two-Face (2017)
Gotham City District Attorney Harvey Dent is mutilated in a laboratory accident. When the duplicitous Two-Face embarks on a crime spree, Batman and Robin must solve the mystery of his identity while facing off against several other foes.


Justice League Justice League (2017)
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of meta-humans to stand...


Scooby-Doo & Batman: The Brave And The Bold Scooby-Doo & Batman: The Brave And The Bold (2018)
When Scooby-Doo and the gang run into notorious crooks that are too hot to handle, the caped crusader himself, Batman swings in to save the day! After an unsolved case from Batman's past comes back to haunt him, and the mysterious Crimson Cloak threatens to take over Gotham,...


Batman: Gotham By Gaslight Batman: Gotham By Gaslight (2018)
In an age of mystery and superstition, how would the people of Gotham react to a weird creature of the night, a bat-garbed vigilante feared by the guilty and the innocent alike? The very first Elseworlds tale re-imagines the Dark Knight detective in Victorian times and pits...


Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash (2018)
Reverse-Flash manipulates the Speed Force to put The Flash into a time loop, which forces him to re-live the same day over and over again. The Flash must find a way to restore time and finally apprehend his worst enemy before all is lost.


Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Teen Titans Go! To The Movies (2018)
It seems to the Teens that all the major superheroes out there are starring in their own movies-everyone but the Teen Titans, that is. But de facto leader Robin is determined to remedy the situation, and be seen as a star instead of a sidekick. If only they could get the...


LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman - Rage Of Atlantis LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman - Rage Of Atlantis (2018)
Aquaman must battle foes in the air, on land and in the depths of the Seven Seas, along with some help from The Justice League, to save the day.


The Death Of Superman The Death Of Superman (2018)
Based on the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel comes an epic animated movie showcasing Superman's greatest battle. An asteroid hurtles through our atmosphere and crashes into the ocean, with it arrives an unstoppable force fueled by uncontrollable rage known only as Doomsday!...


Gotham: Season 5 Gotham: Season 5 (2019)
Following the epic events of last season, the Legend of the Dark Knight resumes as Gotham City is divided between Gordon's GCPD jurisdiction and some of the city's most notorious villains. As the city's heroes try to gain control and salvage what's left of the deteriorating...


Reign Of The Supermen Reign Of The Supermen (2019)
After Superman is put to rest, following his battle with Doomsday, his body is stolen from its tomb. As authorities investigate, new and completely different Supermen start appearing on the scene, making everyone wonder if Superman has been reincarnated, and if so, which of...


The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: Lego Duplo invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild.


Justice League vs. The Fatal Five Justice League vs. The Fatal Five (2019)
The fate of the earth hangs in the balance when the Justice League face a powerful new threat - the Fatal Five! Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman seek answers as Mano, Persuader and Tharok terrorize Metropolis in search of budding Green Lantern Jessica Cruz. With Cruz's...


Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019)
Batman, Batgirl and Robin forge an alliance with The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to fight against the Turtles' sworn enemy, The Shredder, who has teamed up with Ra's Al Ghul and The League Of Assassins.


Batman: Hush Batman: Hush (2019)
A mysterious new villain known only as Hush uses a gallery of villains to destroy Batman's crime-fighting career as well as Bruce Wayne's personal life, which has been further complicated by a relationship with Selina Kyle/Catwoman.


Lego DC Batman: Family Matters Lego DC Batman: Family Matters (2019)
In LEGO DC: Batman - Family Matters, suspicion is on high after Batman, Batgirl, Robin and other DC superheroes receive mysterious invitations. However, family values must remain strong when Batman and his team encounter the villainous Red Hood, who is obsessed with destroying...


Pennyworth: Season 1 Pennyworth: Season 1 (2019)
The origin story of Alfred Pennyworth, a former special-forces soldier living in London and how he came to work for Bruce Wayne's father.


Superman: Red Son Superman: Red Son (2020)
When Krypton's last son crash-lands in Cold War-era Russia instead of rural Kansas, an alternate reality unfolds in this DC Elseworlds adventure. Here, we find Superman spearheading a Communist campaign to advance the ideologies of the Soviet state. Meanwhile, across the...


Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
A poorly executed attack on Apokolips results in the deaths of many of DC's heroes and Darkseid successfully conquering the earth. Now the remaining heroes must regroup and consider a new strategy in order to take their planet back from the intergalactic tyrant.


Batman: Death In The Family Batman: Death In The Family (2020)
In this very first interactive animated DC movie, you get to decide Jason Todd's fate. Will Jason Todd live or die? What will become of Batman and the Joker? Will there truly be a death in the Bat-Family? The answer will be in your hands. Choose wisely.


Pennyworth: Season 2 Pennyworth: Season 2 (2020)
The origin story of Alfred Pennyworth, a former special-forces soldier living in London and how he came to work for Bruce Wayne's father.


Batman: Soul Of The Dragon Batman: Soul Of The Dragon (2021)
Batman, Bronze Tiger, Lady Shiva, and Richard Dragon join forces when they come to realize that they share a common acquaintance. The Martial Arts Master that trained them has been missing for a number of years and under mysterious circumstances. When a cursed relic...


Zack Snyder's Justice League Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
Zack Snyder's definitive director's cut of Justice League. Determined to ensure Superman's ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic...


Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One (2021)
Inspired by the iconic mid-1990s DC story from Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One begins as a brutal murder on Halloween prompts Gotham's young vigilante, the Batman, to form a pact with the city's only two uncorrupt lawmen (Police Captain James...


Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two (2021)
The killer known as Holiday continues to stalk the Falcone crime family while a new class of costumed criminal rises in Gotham City. Batman suspects that a former ally might be the serial killer.


Injustice Injustice (2021)
On an alternate Earth, the Joker tricks Superman into killing Lois Lane, which causes a rampage in the hero. Superman decides to take control of Earth; Batman and his allies will have to attempt to stop him.


Nothing Better Than Parody Nothing Better Than Parody (2021)
Cosplay, Male-on-female threesomes, anal penetration, blowjobs and even lesbian action are all included in this 4 hour compilation. After all, There's Nothing Better than watching your favorite adult stars dress up as your favorite villains and superheroes literally fuck each...


The Batman The Batman (2022)
When the Riddler, a sadistic serial killer, begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city's hidden corruption and question his family's involvement.


Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem In The Multiverse Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem In The Multiverse (2022)
What do you get when you combine the DC Super Hero Girls, the Legion of Doom and Teen Titans Go! with a dash of an ancient Kryptonian goddess? A recipe for pandemonium! With the help of an amulet from Krypton, Lex Luthor unites a group of Super-Villains to capture all of...


DC League Of Super-Pets DC League Of Super-Pets (2022)
When the Justice League are captured by Lex Luthor, Superman's dog, Krypto, forms a team of shelter-pets who were given super-powers: A hound named Ace, who becomes super-strong, a pig named PB, who can grow to giant-size, a turtle named Merton, who becomes super-fast, and a...


Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons (2022)
Jonathan Kent and reluctant young sidekick Damian Wayne are burdened with saving the world from impending doom. The two must join forces to rescue their fathers and save the planet by becoming the super heroes they were intended to be.


Pennyworth: Season 3 Pennyworth: Season 3 (2022)
The origin story of Alfred Pennyworth, a former special-forces soldier living in London and how he came to work for Bruce Wayne's father.


Legion Of Super-Heroes Legion Of Super-Heroes (2023)
Kara, devastated by the loss of Krypton, struggles to adjust to her new life on Earth. Superman mentors her. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle who searches for a powerful weapon held in the Academy's vault.


Batman: The Doom That Came To Gotham Batman: The Doom That Came To Gotham (2023)
This chilling and bizarre DC Elseworlds story is a mash-up of the world of Batman and the cosmic-horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, creator of the Cthulhu mythos. Returning from a decade-long voyage of discovery, Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City, where his parents fell victim...


Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes And Huntsmen, Part One Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes And Huntsmen, Part One (2023)
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Vixen are transported to the strange world of Remnant and find themselves turned into teenagers. Meanwhile, Remnant heroes Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang must combine forces with the Justice League to uncover why...


The Flash The Flash (2023)
Barry Allen is struck by a bolt of lightning and thus, an extraordinary power is born inside him: The Speed Force. When he uses this power to run back in time and save his mother, he creates a world without heroes and General Zod has returned. To defeat him, his only hope rest...


Justice League: Warworld Justice League: Warworld (2023)
Who are the mysterious gunslinger with a golden lasso; the barbaric warrior with a dark knight's helmet; and the mild-mannered, bespectacled G-man? More importantly, how are they key to rescuing Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman - who disappeared from Earth - from the walking...


Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes And Huntsmen, Part Two Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes And Huntsmen, Part Two (2023)
After their adventure in Remnant cyberspace, courtesy of Kilg%re, the Justice League returns to Earth. However, they find the Grimm have followed them and are somehow duplicating their powers. Bringing Black Canary up to speed, the League is forced to seek out Team RWBY for help.


Merry Little Batman Merry Little Batman (2023)
This Christmas, Damian Wayne wants to be a superhero like his dad - the one and only Batman. When Damian is left home alone while Batman takes on Gotham's worst supervillains on Christmas Eve, he stumbles upon a villainous plot to steal Christmas and leaps at the chance to...


Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths, Part One Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths, Part One (2024)
Death is coming. Worse than death: oblivion. Not just for our Earth, but for everyone, everywhere, in every universe! Against this ultimate destruction, the mysterious Monitor has gathered the greatest team of Super Heroes ever assembled. But what can the combined might of...


Nothing Better Than Parody 7 Nothing Better Than Parody 7 (2024)
Starring: Aiden Ashley, Alexis Ford, Andy San Dimas, Barry Scott, Chyna, Dale DaBone, Dana DeArmond, Dani Daniels, Giovanni Francesco, Jason Matrix, Jayden Jaymes, Jenna Presley, Josh Rivers, Katie St. Ives, Kenzie Taylor, Kimberly Kane, Kleio Valentien, Ryan Driller, Sasha...


Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths, Part Two Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths, Part Two (2024)
An endless army of shadow demons bent on the destruction of all reality swarms over our world and all parallel Earths. The only thing opposing them is the mightiest team of metahumans ever assembled. But not even the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green...


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