Playboy: 50 Years Of Playmates (2004)
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From Playboy's first Centerfold, Marilyn Monroe to Bettie Page, Jayne Mansfield, Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy, and the 50th Anniversary Playmate, Colleen Shannon, Playmates are beautiful, sensual and remarkable women who can never be forgotten. Now, as part of Playboy's 50th Anniversary, Playboy Home Entertainment proudly presents a Collector's Edition 2-disc set that brings together for the first time 50 years of Centerfold photos; every Playmate data sheet; and interviews and video footage of dozens of the most popular Playmates. 50 Years of Playmates features interviews with Hugh M. Hefner, Playboy photographers, Playmates and celebrities including Kelsey Grammer, Sharon Osbourne, Drew Carey, Adam Corolla, Jimmy Kimmel, and many more.
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