A medical student who becomes a zombie joins a Coroner's Office in order to gain access to the brains she must reluctantly eat so that she can maintain her humanity. But every brain she eats, she also inherits their memories and must now solve their deaths with help from the...
Glenn Danzig's directorial debut, is a horror anthology that compiles stories from Danzig's line of comic books of the same name. Stories which focus on horror content that's often sexual and violent in nature, usually featuring scantily-clad female protagonists.
A woman who escaped the clutches of the psychotic meathook-wielding Bubba tries to move on with her life in Southern California. But when a fellow survivor of past attacks brings news that Bubba and his cannibal family are on the way to finish what they started with her,...
They grow up so fast, don't they? Feels like just yesterday she was bouncing on my knee. Now, look at her...she's all grown up and riding my cock. She's my sexy little stepdaughter. See what happens when we're alone.