Companies > Sense and Sensibility Ventures 2 movies - sorted by release date
Bad Asses On The Bayou Bad Asses On The Bayou (2015)
Production Company
Bad Asses on the Bayou reunites the dynamic duo, Frank Vega and Bernie Pope, as they travel to Louisiana to attend the wedding of their dear friend Carmen Gutierrez. What was pictured as a wedding weekend escape to the south turns violently ugly as madness and mayhem ensue,...


Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses (2014)
Production Company
Vietnam vet Frank Vega now runs an East L.A. community center where he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie to take matters into their own fists...


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