Companies > SVS Video 2 movies - sorted by release date
Vicious! Vicious! (1988)
Distributor (1988) (USA) (video)
Damon has just graduated high school and his parents couldn't be more proud, but Damon is bored on summer vacation and looking to rebel. Damon meets a trio of house-breakers whose lifestyle appears to offer the excitement he craves, but he quickly finds himself out of his...


Midnight Midnight (1988)
Distributor (1990) (United States) (VHS)
The sultry midnight, late-night horror movie hostess, has the highest rated show on TV. Mr. B is scheming to steal the rights to the show. The tug of war begins and soon escalates into a deadly conflict. Will Midnight have to get a day job and change her name to High Noon?


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