Companies > Walterscheid Productions 3 movies - sorted by release date
The Doll Squad The Doll Squad (1973)
Distributor (1989) (United States) (PG rated) (VHS)
After a terrorist plot to sabotage a Cape Canaveral space mission is discovered, a squad of attractive and lethal spies have to locate the culprits. On their mission, they use a wide range of secret weapons.


The Corpse Grinders The Corpse Grinders (1971)
Distributor (United States) (VHS)
When the Lotus Cat Food Company finds itself in financial trouble, the owners decide to find a new, cheap source of meat -- the local graveyard. Only one problem -- soon cats develop a taste for human flesh, and tabbies are tearing out throats all over town.


The Astro-Zombies The Astro-Zombies (1968)
Distributor (1995) (USA) (VHS)
After being fired from the Space Agency, the disgruntled (not to mention crazy) Dr. DeMarco creates an Astroman from a criminal's dead body. However, he loses control of his creation, which goes on a killing spree, attracting the attention of an international spy ring and...


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